Patricia Mbatudde

She is 10 years old. She was born on 15th/0ctober/2007. She is in primary four class at Nkumba Preparatory School in Nkumba. Her mum (known as Sauda Nakaggwa) passed on during labor. The whereabouts of the father are not known. Patricia wants to be a teacher when she grows up and teach pupils good manners. […]

Masutula Lunkuse

She is twelve years old. She was born on 5th/05/2005. She is in primary five at St. Dennis Kigero primary School. They stay with their grandmother who is the mother to their late mum (she was called Nakato Salimah). Lunkuse’s father’s whereabouts are not known. The guardian last saw him when this child was one […]

Anitah Nakalema

Nakalema Anitah is 10 years old. She was born on 2nd/February/2006. She is in primary six at Bridge Primary School in Nkumba. Together with her two sisters and a brother, they live with their mum who is the sole bread-winner in Nkumba village. Their father passed on in April this very year. This greatly compromised […]

Namugambe Pauline

Namugambe Pauline is eleven years old. She was born on 9th/November/2006. She is in Primary five at Nkumba Preparatory Primary School. Pauline wants to be a nurse when she grows up to treat and care fro people. They are sisters with Peace Recky who is in Top Class at the same school. Peace wants to […]

Kabega Jeremiah

Kabega Jeremiah is 5 years old. He was born on 29th/July/2012. He is Top Class at Great Angels Infant School. Jeremiah wants to be a pilot in future and fly an aero plane. His mother is called Nalwanga Irene. The father (Late Edward Ssebuuma) passed on last year due to an illness. About Nalwanga Irene […]

Namugenyi Norrine

Namugenyi Norrine is 6 years old. She was born on 21st/November/2010. She is primary one at Great Angels Infant School. Norrine wants to be a nurse in future. This is because nurses treat people, something she enjoys to do. Their mother is called Nalwanga Irene. The father (Late Edward Ssebuuma) passed on last year due […]

Mukasa Khalid

Absan Mawuso is four years old and was born in 2013. Mukasa Khalid is seven years old and was born on 15th/September/2010. Absan Mawuso is in Baby Class and Mukasa Khalid is in Top Class at Great Angels Nursery and Primary School found in Kisembi-Nkumba. They were denied and abandoned by their father to their […]

Absan Mawuso

Absan Mawuso is four years old and was born in 2013. Mukasa Khalid is seven years old and was born on 15th/September/2010. Absan Mawuso is in Baby Class and Mukasa Khalid is in Top Class at Great Angels Nursery and Primary School found in Kisembi-Nkumba. They were denied and abandoned by their father to their […]

Ritah Nakato

These twins were born on 13th/September/2010 and are now 7 years old. They are orphans whose father passed on six years back due to HIV/AIDS. There mother too is HIV positive but the twins are negative. Babirye is in primary one whereas Nakato is in Top class. They all go to Nkumba Preparatory Primary School […]

Babirye Veronica

These twins were born on 13th/September/2010 and are now 7 years old. They are orphans whose father passed on six years back due to HIV/AIDS. There mother too is HIV positive but the twins are negative. Babirye is in primary one whereas Nakato is in Top class. They all go to Nkumba Preparatory Primary School […]