Christian Bakulu

Christian is 6 years old currently in the last level of his pre- school. Abandoned by his father when he was born, Christian stays with his grandmother who he loves immensely. His mother is a young single mother without any academic qualification, she scraps around for odd jobs to take care of her son but […]

Sarah Felhofer

Sarah Felhofer – Is a recent graduate from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Neuroscience and is an aspiring Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner. In January of 2019 she visited Uganda and spent time with the See Them Grow Foundation in Luuka. After witnessing […]

Allen Nalubega

Allen has one sister and one brother. Her father died in a road accident. She lives with her mother and her siblings in a one roomed house. Allen’s mother runs a small and run-down kiosk just outside their house, selling a few assortment of fruits. Allen is a brainy girl, at 9 years she is […]

Carol Tyroler

Carol Tyroler has 25-years of experience working in the field of women’s economic empowerment, livelihoods and cross-cutting areas such as microfinance, land tenure, the environment, and gender equity. She has conducted women’s livelihood assessments and evaluations, strategies and project designs, as well as implemented programs in over 39 countries in Southeast and Central Asia, Africa, […]

Henry Kisitu

Henry Kisitu – Assistant Executive Director was born and raised in Uganda. He received a scholarship to attend the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management and a Master of Arts in Human Resource and Change Leadership. He has used his education to start […]