Absan Mawuso is four years old and was born in 2013. Mukasa Khalid is seven years old and was born on 15th/September/2010. Absan Mawuso is in Baby Class and Mukasa Khalid is in Top Class at Great Angels Nursery and Primary School found in Kisembi-Nkumba. They were denied and abandoned by their father to their mum in a two roomed rental house. He completely separated himself from the children and their mother.
About Nabudde Annet
Nabudde Annet is 31 years old, separated with her husband and she individually takes care of the four children. She works in the department of Quality in Wagagai Flowers Limited. Basically, they arrange and sort flowers for packaging. She is heavily constrained in providing for the children due to the prevailing surrounding situations. The father denied the children and she lost hope. She tried to report to Kasenyi Police Station to create fear in him so that he could take up his responsibilities. This was in April 2017 but did not yield any good. He still confirmed to her that even though she was to let him be imprisoned, there is nothing she would get from him. He completely refused.
More to that, relatives to the husband do not render her any support, instead, they support their son (father to the kids) to torture the mother to the children. Nabudde lives in Kisembi-Nkumba though with only her children in the home abandoned by the husband. She just hears people that her former husband is around or in the area or stays within the area but the children and herself do not know exactly where he lives.
Relatives to the husband also support their son and listen to him, whatever he says. The mother-in-law and the brother to the husband keep to poke very painful words that Nabudde does not wish well their son, words that really prick her at heart. So to step out as a good mother, she stays with all her children and fights on to make sure that they live and grow up well.
When she heard people talk about See Them Grow Foundation, she decided to get there and ask from some help because she has no financial ability via school dues for her children. She had
thought about throwing the children to the village where they do not study, but chose to approach STGF offices because she wishes all her children to have good education. STGF accepted to help some of her children and she feels her hope is lifted up, more so about her children’s future.