Nakalema Anitah is 10 years old. She was born on 2nd/February/2006. She is in primary six at Bridge Primary School in Nkumba. Together with her two sisters and a brother, they live with their mum who is the sole bread-winner in Nkumba village. Their father passed on in April this very year. This greatly compromised the income-in flow at home since he was the provider in all things.
About Nambogo Ritah
She is a widow and the mother to Anitah and other three children. All the children are below 18 years of age. She lost her husband recently and ever since then, she faces various hurdles in ensuring that her family stands. She has been selling samosas and tea to fishermen along Lake Victoria but were ordered to evacuate the place in October 2017 as their businesses were encouraging illegal fishing. This left her with no form of livelihood at all and hindered her children’s ability to access quality education.
About See Them Grow Foundation
She seeks support for her child (Anitah) because she performs very well and the mother wishes her girl to go on with her studies to have a good future. However, she does not have the ability as per now to support her child’s education as she would really like it. She hopes STGF would help and bridge for her that gap.