Kasawuli is eight years old and was born in 2009. He was brought to Namusisi Bitijuma before the death of his father. The mother’s whereabouts are not known. Initially, he used to live with his parents at Nsazi island. His mother is the one that organized for Kasawuli to be brought to his grandmother (Bitijuma Namusisi) using boat transport along Kasenyi fishing site. The Boda Boda men at Kasenyi then offered themselves voluntarily to drive the young boy to Namusisi’ place. After sometime, while this boy stayed with grandmother in Kisembi-Nkumba, his father passed on. Namusisi considers this child her grandchild because her current husband is the father to the late parent (dad) to Kasawuli Sunday. The late father was a fisherman at Nsazi island but still, almost fishing is the economic activity circulating in the entire family. Until of recent when a national order was passed country wide to pause fishing in Uganda water bodies to let fish grow.
About Bitijuma Nakazibwe
She is a married woman aged fifty. She never had a chance to go to school in her life. She has and bore ten children. Six of them are to the first home she got married in and the four belong to the second man where she is. She is also the primary guardian to Kasawuli Sunday and Nakazibwe Shadiah. The four children are all below eighteen years of age. Nakazibwe’s parents and close relatives, sisters and brothers all passed on. She is all alone. She was given Kasawuli when he was 3 years old. Since Baby class, she has been toiling to ensure that he attains education. Shadiah was an infant who had not yet even learnt how to say a single word by the time she was abandoned by her mother to Nakazibwe.
Bitijuma says that the father to Kasawuli was very alcoholic and negligent about children’s rights. She goes on to say that he would hardly support his own children. The housing structure at Nsazi island are temporary and of poor quality with no privacy and most children are insecure. In her home, she currently has eight children. Two are above 18 years and the six are below that age. The big boy in the home goes goes to quarrying to offer casual labor and earn some money at the end of the day. The big girl in the home helps the mother (Nakazibwe Bitijuma) dig in people’s farms and sell tomatoes too to get some money. This girl has a brain complication and most times she needs to be closer to an individual who understands her situation and is patient with her.
Nakazibwe faces a challenge of insubstantial financial level in that the money is not enough to cater for all necessities that all the children in the home are meant to have. This includes things like food, clothing, healthcare and education. About the husband to Nakazibwe, he is a fisherman but sometimes he farms on borrowed land spaces. Since of recent, there is no ore space given to him to allow him grow any foods because most people have sold off their land. This has compromised the health status of the whole family. The situation id really very hard at home.