Phiona Jackline is a dedicated and passionate lead mentor at See Them Grow Foundation under the Global Glow Program. Hailing from Iganga District – Uganda, Phiona is committed to supporting, guiding, and encouraging girls to set realistic, strive for, and achieve worthy goals for themselves.
As a lead mentor, Phiona lends a compassionate ear and provides guidance and insight to fellow mentors. She facilitates group sessions with girls, creating a safe space for them to share their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations. Phiona’s nurturing approach empowers girls to embrace their potential and navigate challenges with confidence.
In addition to her mentoring activities, Phiona is passionate about agriculture, mentorship, research, community development and innovation. Her diverse interests and skills contribute to her ability to connect with girls on different levels, providing them with valuable guidance and support. Her passion is evident in her work and hobbies alike, showcasing her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others.
Phiona is an agricultural engineer and community development specialist by profession. She holds a Master’s in Agriculture, with a specialization in Tropical Farming Systems from the Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague and Bachelor’s Degree in Adult and Community Education from Kyambogo University.