Nakassi Florence is 8 years old. She is in primary three class at St. Dennis Kigero Primary School
About Nansambu Rose (Their Guardian)
She is 78 years old. She is the maternal grandmother to all these children. She is the mother to their late mum who passed on when Pius was seven months old. She started to swell and within a few days she passed on. By then they used to stay in Kateera, Mubende sides. They alter shifted to Namayumba in Wakiso district. Due to the fact that the mum to these three girls would only bear females, she was sent away by the husband from the home together with her mum. By then Resty , who is now in six years old was a few months old. They (Rose and the late daughter) would farm people’s gardens and earn some money for home use.
Shortly later on, the late mum to these children left them to go search for work. She left the three children to their grandmother and went to stay in Bukalango. She got pregnant with Pius but could not remember the length of time for the pregnancy. She searched for help from both herbalists and health centers but later on, she was able to deliver Baby Pius normally during Easter hence the name of the boy. In this period, they (grandmother and the 3 children) shifted to Kisembi-Nkumba village, one of the villages in Entebbe Wakiso district.
The children’s mother developed an illness that claimed her life in a short time period. Pius was still breastfeeding but was introduced to animal milk to survive. The grandmother to these children has been the breadwinner ever since their mother passed on. Well-wishers sometimes do support her in their possibilities.
Concerning See Them Grow Foundation (STGF)
Nansambu Rose heard about STGF awareness of registering vulnerable children to enable them access quality education and approached the offices. Her children as she prefers to call them, were recruited in the Child Sponsorship Program which has brought joy to her life. She is grateful to STGF for treating her.